JUSTICE TRILOGY is a series of award winning documentary feature films produced and directed by Abby Ginzberg, that focus on three courageous lawyers who made a difference. This film series includes CRUZ REYNOSO: SOWING THE SEEDS OF JUSTICE, SOUL OF JUSTICE: THELTON HENDERSON'S AMERICAN JOURNEY,  and DOING JUSTICE : THE LIFE & TRIALS OF ARTHUR KINOY. 

"These inspiring documentaries by Abby Ginzberg are about three extraordinary individuals whose lives epitomize the character, vision, and persistence needed in the never-ending fight for justice. No law student should graduate from law school without seeing these films." 

- Mark N. Aaronson, Professor of Law, UC Hastings College of the Law

"All law schools interested in justice should have a copy of these three important films in their libraries. The stories they tell of three unsung heroes of the legal profession will inspire the next generation of lawyers to pursue justice as a calling as well as a job."

- Diane T. Chin, Associate Dean for Public Service and Public Interest Law, Stanford Law School

“The following three films should be in every law school library collection: 1) Doing Justice: the Life and Trials of Arthur Kinoy; 2) Cruz Reynoso: Sowing the Seeds of Justice; 3) Soul of Justice: Thelton Henderson's American Journey. They should be available in all law school libraries for new generations of law students to learn about trail-blazing unsung heroes of the legal profession.”

- Matthew Wright, Head of Collection Development, UNLV Law Library, Las Vegas, NV.